Week 1
We are now starting the production module. We have listened to the ideas pitched by some of the screenwriters:
We are now starting the production module. We have listened to the ideas pitched by some of the screenwriters:
- Brad
- Jack
- Jamie
- Janice
The rest of the group have pitched their roles. I pitched camera operator but could do editor if I couldn't get my first role. I have ended up on the camera operator for Jamie's script Allurement and the editor for Brad's script Nemesis.
Since i am the camera operator and editor I will be putting updates and research here throughout the 6 week project.
My first job was to do a draft shot list and I have completed it ending up with 214 shots. I have given it t the director and am waiting o receive feedback so I can create another one if I need to take away or add scenes.
As a camera operator I will need to know the 180 degree rule which is applied usually when characters are talking together in a scene. Since the characters in the film will be interacting and talking to each other it will be important to know this.
For example if two characters are talking to each other and you apply the 180 degree rule, you can imagine a line drawn between two characters and you place cameras on one side you stay on that one side because something known as "crossing the line" breaks this rule. It is also important not to disorient the viewer by using reverse cuts. This happens if you cross the imaginary 180 degree line


This is the front cover of the instruction booklet to the main camera I will be using on this project. I have had a look through this booklet t gain more of an understanding of the camera.
Both of my groups producers and directors are holding auditions for actors in both Hartlepool and Newcastle this will allow us to hopefully get more actors to audition for our films.
I have also done some drawings of where I can use the 180 degree rule which will be put up soon.
Week 2
This week our group on Allurement went on a recce to Summerhill for potential locations in the film. The group that went down consisted of Me, Jamie, Sarah and Janice who also went along to show us how to get there.
We found some good locations and we even took practice shots:
23-3-2016: Allurment
Today we tested the steadi cam (glide cam) to see if we could achieve some shots that the director wanted. I was directed to this Vimeo tutorial on the steadi-cam showing how to balance it and put the camera on it. - https://vimeo.com/15300979

Overall all I didn't really like it because balancing it became a pain to do since you have to balance it before using it and after testing it out the director decided it would be best not to use it as we tried the same technique but handheld and after looking at the footage we decided to go with handheld with the particular shots on the day of the shoot.
The video above is my test with the glide cam to test walking with it
The link above is an edited version of the the shots the director wanted but handheld instead of on the glide cam
Shot List: Allurement
I have now completed the shot list for the film after having to adjust it a few times to add/ take away some scenes
Editing: Nemesis
Today I started to edit together parts of Nemesis which were complete working with Brad.
Wand Duel - Camera Settings - Allurement
When it comes to the wand duel in the film Sarah pointed me towards this video as the camera operator lets you know what settings he shoots in for the short film. This is helpful to me because I could take the settings into account to use on the camera during filming.
The settings he uses are:
As a camera operator I will need to know the 180 degree rule which is applied usually when characters are talking together in a scene. Since the characters in the film will be interacting and talking to each other it will be important to know this.
For example if two characters are talking to each other and you apply the 180 degree rule, you can imagine a line drawn between two characters and you place cameras on one side you stay on that one side because something known as "crossing the line" breaks this rule. It is also important not to disorient the viewer by using reverse cuts. This happens if you cross the imaginary 180 degree line


This is the front cover of the instruction booklet to the main camera I will be using on this project. I have had a look through this booklet t gain more of an understanding of the camera.
Both of my groups producers and directors are holding auditions for actors in both Hartlepool and Newcastle this will allow us to hopefully get more actors to audition for our films.
I have also done some drawings of where I can use the 180 degree rule which will be put up soon.
Week 2
This week our group on Allurement went on a recce to Summerhill for potential locations in the film. The group that went down consisted of Me, Jamie, Sarah and Janice who also went along to show us how to get there.
We found some good locations and we even took practice shots:
23-3-2016: Allurment
Today we tested the steadi cam (glide cam) to see if we could achieve some shots that the director wanted. I was directed to this Vimeo tutorial on the steadi-cam showing how to balance it and put the camera on it. - https://vimeo.com/15300979

Overall all I didn't really like it because balancing it became a pain to do since you have to balance it before using it and after testing it out the director decided it would be best not to use it as we tried the same technique but handheld and after looking at the footage we decided to go with handheld with the particular shots on the day of the shoot.
The video above is my test with the glide cam to test walking with it
The link above is an edited version of the the shots the director wanted but handheld instead of on the glide cam
Shot List: Allurement
I have now completed the shot list for the film after having to adjust it a few times to add/ take away some scenes
Editing: Nemesis
Today I started to edit together parts of Nemesis which were complete working with Brad.
Wand Duel - Camera Settings - Allurement
When it comes to the wand duel in the film Sarah pointed me towards this video as the camera operator lets you know what settings he shoots in for the short film. This is helpful to me because I could take the settings into account to use on the camera during filming.
The settings he uses are:
- 24 frames per second
- Faster shutter speed - 1/92
He shoots at a faster shutter speed because there is action in the scenes which helps against motion blur which makes easier to add in visual effects
This is a page in the camera manual which focuses on how to adjust the shutter speed on the camera which will help me if I want to attempt the settings I want.
12/4/2016 - Nemesis Editing and Filming Practise
Today I continued editing scenes for Nemesis with Brad and Yiannis's supervision. Also all of us practiced the trombone shot which is needed for a scene. I had to help Brad as the camera operator wasn't in at the time.
15/4/2016 - Nemesis Filming - Tea@Heart and Studio
Today I went along to the filming in Tea-@-Heart for Nemesis and filming in the studio. In the studio we completed the trombone shot for a scene in Nemesis

some photos from the studio shoot.
At the Tea-@-Heart shoot the camera operator didn't arrive so me and Brad had to operate the camera. The scenes shot here were for a cafe scene in the film.

some photos from the Tea-@-Heart shoot.
I also got to use the shoulder mount for the camera which I enjoyed using plus it was very easy to use.
15/4/2016 - Allurement filming
Today we filmed some interior scenes between Gartha and Lerysa. There were some equipment issues (not being able to get the kit we wanted) at the start of the day so we had to use Shaun's camera. We did have the option to use the mini dv kit but the group felt Shaun's camera would be best.
Everything else went extremely well - we managed to complete the scenes with just the two actresses there is still some left with our other actor. Everyone in the team did a great job working together after the morning problem.
16/4/2016 - Cancelled filming
Unfortunately we could not do our filming at Summerhill today as the weather was really bad. The team will have a meeting to re-plan everything to get new filming dates.
16/4/2016 - Research for fight scene
fight scene - 2:44 - 3:00
Thank you to Jamie Jones for sharing this video which contains a fight sequence between two witches. With this video it can give me ideas o how I want the fight scene in Allurement happen such as the actions and movement of the characters
For both of these days I have continued to edit more of Nemesis and have managed to get more scenes of the film completed
Today we managed to film at Summerhill after our last attempt failed because of bad weather. We tested out filming at a higher shutter speed f the fight choreography but it unfortunately ended up not working.
We filmed some scenes that involved Gartha and June in Sarah's house a Blackhall. Also we did a few re-shoots for some scenes between Gartha and Lerysa
We got filmed scenes in Sunderland involving Gartha and June outside in a field. Also we got scenes between Gartha and Lerysa at the exterior of her house.
12/4/2016 - Nemesis Editing and Filming Practise
Today I continued editing scenes for Nemesis with Brad and Yiannis's supervision. Also all of us practiced the trombone shot which is needed for a scene. I had to help Brad as the camera operator wasn't in at the time.
15/4/2016 - Nemesis Filming - Tea@Heart and Studio
Today I went along to the filming in Tea-@-Heart for Nemesis and filming in the studio. In the studio we completed the trombone shot for a scene in Nemesis

some photos from the studio shoot.
At the Tea-@-Heart shoot the camera operator didn't arrive so me and Brad had to operate the camera. The scenes shot here were for a cafe scene in the film.

some photos from the Tea-@-Heart shoot.
I also got to use the shoulder mount for the camera which I enjoyed using plus it was very easy to use.
15/4/2016 - Allurement filming
Today we filmed some interior scenes between Gartha and Lerysa. There were some equipment issues (not being able to get the kit we wanted) at the start of the day so we had to use Shaun's camera. We did have the option to use the mini dv kit but the group felt Shaun's camera would be best.
Everything else went extremely well - we managed to complete the scenes with just the two actresses there is still some left with our other actor. Everyone in the team did a great job working together after the morning problem.
16/4/2016 - Cancelled filming
Unfortunately we could not do our filming at Summerhill today as the weather was really bad. The team will have a meeting to re-plan everything to get new filming dates.
16/4/2016 - Research for fight scene
fight scene - 2:44 - 3:00
Thank you to Jamie Jones for sharing this video which contains a fight sequence between two witches. With this video it can give me ideas o how I want the fight scene in Allurement happen such as the actions and movement of the characters
For both of these days I have continued to edit more of Nemesis and have managed to get more scenes of the film completed
Today we managed to film at Summerhill after our last attempt failed because of bad weather. We tested out filming at a higher shutter speed f the fight choreography but it unfortunately ended up not working.
We filmed some scenes that involved Gartha and June in Sarah's house a Blackhall. Also we did a few re-shoots for some scenes between Gartha and Lerysa
We got filmed scenes in Sunderland involving Gartha and June outside in a field. Also we got scenes between Gartha and Lerysa at the exterior of her house.
Thanks to Shaun for the photo above
Updates from last week - I have continued to edit Nemesis and we are nearly finished with the edit with just a few scenes and some touch ups to add to the edit so we should be finished this week.
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