Film Recreations

On Tuesday 7th November I attempted to recreate lighting setups from 2 interrogation scenes in films that I have researched. 

 The original film

My Version

The first lighting setup that I attempted to recreate was from the Blade Runner interrogation between Deckard and Rachel.

In terms of how well I did I think I didn't recreate it that well as I managed to got the light and shadow the wrong way round after using three point lighting: One behind Nathan, One of the the side and one behind Andrew and I feel that either changing the positions or even taking away a light may have made my attempt better and created a better recreation of the scene.

The original film

 My version

The second lighting setup that I attempted to recreate was from The Dark Knight interrogation between Gordon and The Joker.

In terms of how well I did I think I nearly got there however I felt that if I moved one of the lights I could have created more shadow on one side of Andrew's face to make it balanced between light and shadow. This would create a better recreation that looks similar to the original film when putting the images next to each other.

In terms of using this type of setup for the final versions of the scene it is a possibility as I feel if I used it on the side of the witness I could make it seem something wasn't right such as the witness not saying something and hiding important information.
