2nd Jib Test

Today the crew of Inheritance took the equipment out to test the jib on a lamppost outside the university. From our first test and production meeting last week we found out the jib was shakey at pints and wasn't level to the cross. Today was the opportunity to get it right so when we went up to Ralph's cross the next time we will have a better understanding of the jib and we can produce the best footage as the director wants this shot perfect. To help us with the test we played the music that will be in this scene. The director cued me and another crew member working the jib so when the music was at the right time we could start using the jib. It was hard at first trying to descend the jib and keep the camera level, but when the music was being cued later in the day we managed to get better at it but still not perfect so we will probably need another test

Jib Test 2:
