Digital Production – Live

Well yesterday was the day of the shoot, everyone managed to get in and we did some rehearsals before the show went live at 3pm.

In the first rehearsal of the day we had a major issue with one of the actors as they had issues with their lines and didn't come back. the 2nd half director stepped in to sort the issue out and also we had the actress who was to be in the spooky ending step up to role of May and got to learning the script. We also managed to have the actual stream be pushed back to 4pm.

In the first of two streams we did before the show went live there was a mix-up on my part as I thought I heard for the actors to leave the set at the end but come back in when it was originally set up for the actors to leave till the end of the show. This was changed by the 2nd half director to instead be improvisation of the dead characters and George cleaning the set.

The improvisation at the end was then rehearsed  and I was told it went well.

Then it was time for the live show . Which in all fairness went really well besides a few technical issues and the earlier actor problem.

Afterwards we tied up the studio, removed the props and shelving unit which I hope to take home on Friday. We removed the fake grass and hoovered any leftover grass.
