Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2016

Yesterday a few of the students from Levels 4, 5 and 6 went down to York to attend Aesthetica Short Film Festival. This festival had different genres of film screened throughout York. I and some of the level 5's managed to catch a set of drama films:

The films were called:

  • Stay
  • Mother
  • Pool
  • I Scream Your Name
  • Love Is A Sting

The first film was from the UK named Stay and overall was my favorite film of the set I watched. I thought the acting was good, the visuals and music were very good. Some problems that I saw was that I felt that the ending went on for a bit too long and could have cut the ending a bit. Also some of the visual effects didn't look very good.


The second film was another from the UK named Mother and overall I thought the story of this film was very good as I thought it was going o take itself in one particular pathway but it didn't it went and did something different which I enjoyed. Now the acting of the film was alright and I did enjoy the main female's performance. There was a few instances of comedy which I did not find funny and took me out of the film. Visuals and music were very good. Finally a decent film and my second favorite. 


The third film was from Canada named Pool and overall I really did not enjoy this film. The visuals were god in the film and there were pieces of music that were good but the story I couldn't understand and characters I couldn't connect too and this film was the second worst out of the lot of them for me in my opinion. 

I Scream Your Name

The fourth film was from Switzerland named I Scream Your Name and overall this was another film I didn't enjoy. The story I didn't enjoy, there acting was ok as well as some of the visuals and music. The comedy throughout the film didn't help either and still made me not like the film. In my opinion this film was the worst of the lot I watched.

Love Is A Sting

The fifth and final film was from Ireland named Love Is A Sting and overall this is the film  found most interesting because after I watched it I really didn't enjoy it but after thinking about it I really enjoyed and is my third favorite of the lot.  The acting and story were very good as well as the visuals and music. The effects on the mosquito close up were weird at the beginning but didn't take me out of the film and on rethink I misjudged how good this film actually is.
