Semiotics or Realism?
Face Perception - Identity, Sex, Race, Age, Emotional State detect with relative ease from a face
Photos and Film are examples of being Indexical - Signifier
Signified = Reality
Mimises = Imitation
Context and research can change the reading and meaning of an image
Highlights difference between what we see in pictures and the actual reality
Semiotics was a paradigm shit into the way we think and th "premise" of thought itself
One method of interrupting the world and accounting fr the production of meaning by treating everything as a collection of signs to be read
Charles Sanders Pierce
"Visual Literacy"
Sign = Signifier
Dog = Signifier
Image of Dog = Signified
Icons, Symbols and Index
Symbols are culturally learned
Labels are arbitrary and only correspond to objects because we are culturally conducted to recognize configuration f letters with an object in our language
If we decipher the clues What is the intended commentary?
Letters/fonts and type have a language
Letters have visual vocabulary
Colours are signs
Meaning changes depending on context
Visual metaphor uses mages instead of words to make comparison
Different genres to to emphasis different combinations of codes, colours, flags, other conventions
Post Structuralism
Meanings are not fixed but have multiple meanings are subject to change
Douglass Greenlee
Umberto Echo
Christian Metz
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