Digital Production – Roles and Putting up a Gazebo

We learned about the different sayings that a Director would say during a production over talk back

"Cut to 1,2,3, VT's

"Fade to

"Fade ___ seconds"

From gallery perspective camera numbers go left to right

Track back 

Track up

Crab Left

Crab Right


Elevate or Ascend


Use Positioning such as Camera 1 to position A

Check focus and Check zoom

Camera __ refocus please

Cue = line up

Cue camera 1 

Cue sound, floor sound, sound effects

Pre arrange sound effects to happen on a certain word

Call for lights 

30 seconds before = On air light on

House lights

Studio lights

Floor Manager

Only people on set should hear

get white gloves so people can see signals 

30, 15, 10 till live

tv shows

Faking it - tv studio director 


Towards the end of the lesson we decided to try and put up a Gazebo. Well the one we put up wouldn't work without a few changes such as different material and needing to bigger.
