Professional Studies

Week 1

Skills Audit Grid

Week 2 

This week we focused on our phone skills with the class split into two groups. One group were a supermarket chain selling infected chickens (the group I was in) and the other group ad to try and get the evidence to prove the supermarket had sold infected chickens. Each person was paired up with another. I ended up being paired with Jo who defiantly won the round because I lied on two occasions.

Week 3 

For this week we looked at guilds and unions that related to different roles in the industry. Bectu being one for many job roles. There are many more on the VLE

broadcast credit - work is shown n TV and proof you have worked on it and can  be put on a CV.

We also looked at our essay which is too right a 2000 word report on a role in the industry and how it works as a part within the industry

Week 4 

This week we looked at the basics of how to write a report. Mike taught us some of the basics of what needs to be in a report:

  • Title page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Contents
  • Abstract or a summary
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Results of findings - include primary data e.g. pie charts, graphs 
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion and recommendations
  • References
  • Appendices - information which goes towards report and not essential and doesn't go towards word count  
I do have an idea of what I wan to do my report on which will be next

Report Idea

My idea is to focus on camera operators. Some of my main pints will be on:

  • Getting into the industry
  • Unions
  • DOP (Director of Photography)
  • Salary
  • Structure
  • Representation for camera ops
  • Skills needed

Pecha Kucha

Pecha Kuch is a presentation which has 10 slides and you have to complete it in 20 seconds (Normally it has to be done with 20 slides and completed in 20 seconds 

This is my presentation of my idea:

Slide 1 - Intro

Slide 2 - Image 

Slide 3 - Job Description and skills 

Slide 4 - Question - How To Become A Camera Operator

Slide 5 - Why I Chose To Focus On Camera Operators

Slide 6 - Getting Into The Industry 

Slide 7 - Unions 

Slide 8 - Questionnaires

Slide 9 - Conclusion

Slide 10 - End 

From Mikes feedback I was to add to following topics to my report:

  • Directors Of Photographers

  • Salary's 

  • Association Of Camera Operators

  • Structures of Camera Operators

Week 5 

We looked at breaking down a script and looked at call sheets. I am familiar with them but it was interesting to learn more about. The specific call sheet we looked at was from the fourth Pirates Of The Caribbean. Afterwords we looked at a colour spectrum which helped to break the script down. The digital pathway was given another students script to look at and colour code it.

We then looked at the rule of 1/8ths whee a script page is broken down into 1/8th but you ark every scene not the page. This can help to measure how long the scenes in the script are. A scene which has a scene of 2 1/8ths might take as long to film as one which is 5/8ths long. It just depends on the content in the scene.

Week 6

In this session we continued to break down a script. We looked at script revisions and a way to organise everything using post-it notes to create a shooting script. We were given pieces of card and we went through the scenes of the script we had and put various  important information on such as:

  • Scene Number
  • Page Number 
  • Description of scene
  • scene synopsis 
  • actors in scene
  • props needed
Afterwards we put them in order as if we were going to film the scenes. 

We then looked at how to edit the script such as adding or removing scenes. Best thing to do. Don't, once the script has gone into production  Although if you need to change something the best thing to do is have the front cover of the script a different colour so the crew will now know which script to use. Revisions in the script will have a *. Revising a revision means you should remove the already existing *

Once a script has been finalized the scene numbers can't change. If there are revisions then add a letter after the number so 6, 6A, 6B. If you omit any scenes they stay in the script as well as page numbers don't change in finalized scripts. Blank spaces will be used for omitted scenes. If page numbers are omitted keep them in so it be 10,11,12-15,16.

Report Research 

I am now starting to add my report and adding sources I could use for research . I managed to find a few sources so far:

Week 7

Today we looked at different websites which could come in handy for our productions such as props and actors:

More Research for Report

Week 8 

This week we had a session on working with actors which was interesting and good to learn new things since I have worked with actors in college.

We then looked at Ripper a film done by a graduate of the college - Adam. It was interesting to know that there were only two uses of cgi which were the outside building roof shots. although there was a very quiet actor who brought us out of the experience very miner though. There was a very nice Joker reference at the end of the film as well. In the end the film was very good and well made.

This website has lots of acting terms that can be helpful.

Then we looked at how to work with an actor and we learnt it is important to give the actor an objective: Why are they doing something?, What is the motive of the character?. We then looked into the spine of Back To The Future in which the scene objective is - believe in yourself and you can do anything.With Doc it is that he wants to prove he id an inventor.

I was one of two people who hasn't seen Back To The Future.

Finally we looked at how directing a scene can be done in 3 different ways - In a scene in the movie A Knight's Tale Mike and Jamie Jones went through the scene in 3 ways - angry  and then calming. There s a major difference in tone between the two.

Week 9 

This week Adam and James who are graduates came in to discuss Ripper and about some of their times at CCAD,

They funded Ripper using  a crowdfunding site Indiegogo. They found it hard at the beginning to raise the money but after getting help from someone known as Mike who had recently won the lottery. This helped to kickstart the project. They also got help with an agent who owed them a favour and got some actors on board to the project.

They also talked about some projects they did in CCAD such as one which can't be named that got sued by a Hollywood lawyer which they originally thought it was for Ripper. They also talked about actors they have used for their films. My favorite is Ripper.


From this website I have found out how someone could progress to become a camera operator which will be useful to my report.

